It may be the single-most important skill in swimming today. Here's how you can maximize your underwaters:
1. Improve your ankle flexibility. Often overlooked, your ankles are the link between the final two segments of your leg that perform the whipping motion of a great dolphin kick.
2. Work on the “back kick” or kicking symmetrically in both directions. Most athletes accelerate their kick only as their feet move toward the front (I call this the front kick). The great underwater kickers accelerate the kick in both directions for maximum forward propulsion.
3. Improve your hamstring and glute strength. In order to do the “back kick” for maximum benefit, you will need to make these muscles stronger. The hamstrings are often weak in those who do not have a strong back kick.
4. Kick from the torso. Don’t just bend and flex at the hip and knee joints. Get your spine and torso involved.
5. Improve your thoracic flexibility. The dolphin motion should begin in your torso and travel toward your toes. If your thoracic region (think the part of your spine where your ribs are attached) can’t bend to begin this motion, your dolphin kick will be less effective.
6. Watch yourself on video. Then watch the person on your team who is best at dolphin kicking. What are they doing that you are not?
7. Count your kicks. How many kicks does it take for you to get to the 15m mark? To go 25 yards? Does it change whether you go fast or slow? Find out this information to tell whether or not you are improving.
8. Practice streamlining at high speeds using a stretch cord. Get used to feeling water move over your streamline at high speeds. Try dolphin kicking without adding drag while being pulled.
9. Improve your core strength. Your six-pack might look good, but do you have the strength and endurance to kick fast underwater during a race?
10. Make your legs stronger. It’s simple. The stronger your legs, the harder you can kick.
what are some good exercises to strengthen the muscles you talk about?
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