Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What it looks like have a perfect streamline

It may be the simplest of all swimming skills, yet one that most swimmers have not yet perfected. It is STREAMLINING.

This picture is of Natalie Coughlin, the world record holder in the 100 backstroke and a member of the U.S. Olympic Team this summer. She may be the world's best underwater dolphin kicker, in part because she has a near-flawless streamline.

To make your streamline like Natalie’s, be sure to do these things:

1. Place one wrist on top of the other, and wrap your top thumb around the bottom hand to hold it secure.

2. Stretch your arms overhead and lock your elbows.

3. Squeeze your ears with your biceps while keeping your head and neck straight.

4. Lengthen your spine with very straight posture.

5. Squeeze your butt cheeks together as you push off the wall.

6. Point your toes and kick like crazy!

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