Saturday, July 18, 2009

How To Be Mediocre...

Set goals you can easily achieve...Count on luck to help you reach them...Count on your talent even more...Congratulate yourself for trying...Accept less than your best...Be inconsistent in your daily effort in training...Arrive late to practice...Blame others for your failures...Forget to thank others for helping you succeed...Speak every negative thought you have...Relish being a big fish in a small pond...Rationalize your results when you come up short...Let your bad habits persist...Let factors you cannot control get in your head...Avoid improving your weaknesses...Commit halfway...Take it personally when your coach says you CAN do better...Ignore the clock at practice...Draft instead of passing...Do NOT kick under any circumstances...Read this list again and say "That's not me - I don't do that!"

Folks, this list is intended to be tongue-in-cheek and it is far from complete. Do you have any more ideas we should add to the list? Obviously, EXCELLENCE is the object of our pursuit.


  1. These were all great; but what did you mean by "relish in being a big fish in a small pond"?

  2. In order to avoid being mediocre, I think it is important that we constantly seek out challenges help us strive to be our best. This is uncomfortable. It can require that the small pond's "big fish" find out that in a different pond he's really just a small fish. If you want to achieve your potential, look outside the easy opportunities for victory or a lesser accomplishment that are nearby.
